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Master Your Travel Conversations: 20 Essential English Travel Phrases Every Traveller Needs

Claire Hayward

Updated: Jan 5

When travelling it is essential you are able to communicate with locals, hotel reception, airport staff and more. Here Ace English will tell you the 20 must-know English phrases to help travellers navigate a variety of situations. These phrases can help make travelling easier, less stressful, safer and a lot more enjoyable.

A hand pointing to a place on a globe

10 phrases for everyday interactions

  1. Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening

When greeting locals at any time of the day these phrases are useful to show politeness and friendliness. You can use these phrases at the appropriate time of the day and you can say them to everybody.

''Good morning, how are you?''

2. Excuse me

This phrase is used to get other people's attention, for example, when you want to ask a question, ask for help or ask for directions. This phrase can be used for anybody and is helpful to use with waiters, hotel staff or locals etc.

''Excuse me, where is the museum please?''

3. What time is it?

This phrase is useful anytime and anywhere. You use it when you want to ask somebody the time. It is useful to use 'excuse me' first to be polite and friendly before you ask the question.

''Excuse me, what time is it?''

4. Sorry, I don't understand.

This phrase is particularly useful for beginners who have less English knowledge. This phrase will tell people that you don't understand their question, or response and that they should tell you in a different way. This phrase can be used with everybody, but particularly useful for waiters, airport/hotel staff or bus/train/taxi drivers when you don't understand them.

''Sorry, I don't understand your question.''

5. Can you help me, please?

This question is useful to everybody who needs some kind of help on their travels. You can use it to ask local people, hotel reception, security, waiters, or shop assistants etc. You will need to expand your question to inform the people what you want help with next so they can understand what your need is.

''Can you help me, please?''

6. Can you tell me where ....... is?

This is a useful question to know and ask when you want to ask for directions. You can stop people in the street to ask this question or go into the local shop/restaurant to ask. When stopping people on the street, it is more polite to use 'excuse me' first.

''Excuse me, can you tell me where the train station is?''

A backpacker asking someone for help using a map.

7. How are you?/Are you okay?

This phrase is useful to be polite and use manners when first greeting people. It is a question you can ask anybody, but in particular, waiters, local people, reception staff, or shop assistants. Usually, you would greet first then ask this question.

''Good morning, how are you?''

8. Please/Thank you

Using manners and being polite will help make travelling and speaking to people much easier. When asking for a request or something you want or need help with, use 'please'. After somebody has answered your question or told you information, say 'thank you' in response to acknowledge the other persons information and kindness for their help.

''Where are the toilets, please?''

''Thank you for your help''

9. Do you speak .......?

If you are not comfortable in having a conversation in English you can ask this question to see if the other person speaks your native language or another language you may know to make communication easier. You can ask anybody this question if you need help and tells the other person you are not able to speak much English.

''Do you speak Spanish?''

10. Can you repeat?/Can you speak more slowly?

These phrases are useful when you don't understand everything the first time someone responds. You can ask them to say it again, 'can you repeat?'. Or you can ask them to say it slower, 'can you speak more slowly?', this will tell the other person you are more likely to understand if it is said slower. To be more polite, use 'please' at the end of each question.

''Can you repeat, please?''

''Can you speak more slowly, please?''


10 phrases for common travel scenarios

11. Can I order another drink, please?

Please can I have ......(food)

When at a restaurant or cafe ordering food and drinks these phrases are very useful. You can say these phrases then add the name of what is on the menu. They tell the waiters exactly what you want and need.

''Please can I have the margarita pizza?

12. Can I have the bill, please?

Can I have the check, please?

Use this phrase when you are ready to pay for your meal before you leave. Both bill and check are the same thing, 'bill' is British English and 'check' is American English so you may hear both being used.

''Can I have the bill, please?''

A bill from a restaurant

13. What is the Wi-Fi password?

Using Wi-Fi in a hotel and when travelling is important and useful for many travellers so knowing the Wi-Fi information can be beneficial. This question can be asked anywhere where there could potentially be internet available, most common places, such as, hotels, cafes, restaurants, museums etc.

''What is the Wi-Fi password, please?''

14. How much is it?

In most common places prices will be displayed on the items but in some local shops there may be no prices visible so this phrase is useful to find out the price before you buy it.

''How much is it, please?''

15. Could you take a picture of us, please?

This could be a great question to ask nowadays. Every traveller wants to document their surroundings and sometimes wants to be in the photo. Sometimes selfies just won't do or they can be tricky if you want to get the background in the picture, this phrase will help you to ask someone for help to take a picture of you.

''Could you take a picture of me, please?''

16. Can I book .......?

This is a great question when you want to book something immediately. Lots of things can be booked in advance nowadays but there may be times when you haven't booked it and you want to book on that day. Asking this question tells someone exactly what you want to do. You can use it for booking hotels, museums, taxis etc. Remember to be specific, how many people and how long for is important information.

''Can I book one room for 2 adults for 4 nights, please?''

17. I'm allergic to ......

This phrase is great to use at places to eat especially if you have to be careful and have a severe allergy, it is important to make the staff aware of this. This phrase is most useful in restaurants or cafes where they will prepare your food and drinks. Be specific when naming the allergy and if your allergy is severe, include this too.

''I'm severely allergic to dairy.''

18. I have a reservation.

This is a useful phrase to use in a place where you have booked, a hotel, museum, restaurant etc. The staff can find your booking and know what information they need to give you for your stay.

''I have a reservation.''

19. Can I try this on?

It is nice to buy souvenirs and keepsakes when travelling, this can sometimes be clothes. However, it is hard to return something when you don't live there so trying clothes on is important to make sure it fits. These phrases can be used in clothes shops when you want to try before you buy.

''Can I try this on, please?''

2 people looking at a jacket in a clothes shop

20. Emergency! Call an ambulance/police/fire brigade!

There may be an emergency while travelling that includes the use of the emergency services. If you are in a public place it can be beneficial to have a local make the call so they can communicate faster and get the emergency services to the right location quicker. Shouting out this phrase will tell others you need help very quickly.

''Emergency! Call an ambulance!''


Practising these phrases

Now you know these phrases, it is time to start practising them. It is useful to memorise and be aware of these phrases before travelling. Here are some quick tips to help you to do this.

  1. Write them in a notebook or on paper and keep them with you for those times that you need them but can't remember them.

  2. Practise with friends or family before you go, teach them and test each other. This can make it a fun experience and you don't have to remember all of them by yourself, friends and family can help and communicate a little too.

  3. Have some lessons with a native speaker before travelling, this can help you learn these phrases and more, but also give you the confidence to use them correctly when you need to. At Ace English, our lessons are guided to your needs and can help you with communicating in an English-speaking country confidently.

  4. Use language apps to learn a little more English. There are free apps available where you can learn basic English phrases and sentences.

To conclude, these phrases will be very valuable and useful to you when travelling. You can use them in a variety of places, hotels, train stations, in the street, museums, shops restaurants, cafes etc. and ask for help when needed. The phrases will help your journey be less stressful, help make you more confident to communicate with local people and make your travels a more enjoyable experience.


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